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The most revolutionary product in years! The Warp Feed allows you to place your loader in a remote location below the top of your gun. Say goodbye to hopper hits forever! The Warp is capable of feeding at speeds of 20 balls per second. It's incredible to watch it work. It never jams, break balls, or misfeeds! You add your exsisting loader (Revolution, Evlution, VLocity, etc.), and you're ready to go! You'll never look at a loader the same way again! The Warp Feed Basic Kit includes: Warp Feed, Warp Feed Adapter, hose adapters, Pro-Feed Warp hose, and Gen 5 Mounting Bracket. The Warp Feed Deluxe Kit includes all of that plus a Bushmaster/Intimidator adapter, Angel adapter, and Universal Feed adapter. Pick the one that's right for you. ** Please refer to the Warp Feed Adapter and Gen 5 Mount Kit pages for additional information on the options best for you.
NEW GEN 5 Mount!!! The Universal Kit now fits 99% of all markers. If you have more than one marker you can swap from one to the other in a matter of minutes! Also check out the new Generation 5 mount that gives you even more mounting options, including the ability to easily mount the Warp "Gun Right" for left handed players. The Gen 5 Mount System is now available in both Basic and Deluxe versions depending upon your requirements.
We have also just introduced the WARP12 Dual Battery Adapter that allows you to run two 9 volt batteries, regulated to 12 volts, to give your Warp the extra power to really rev it up!
Please note that Warp Feed Kits should be ordered directly from Airgun Designs, and then add any additional accessories that you may need from us.
 | Universal Warp Adapter
|  |  | Warp Gen 5 Universal Mount Kit
|  |  | Warp Feed Kit on Angel LCD Here is the Angel Warp configuration that we demonstrated at the Amateur Open in Pittsburgh (it rocked!). The hose tucks in very well, and keep in mind that there is an optional bracket that allows the unit to be switched to the right side of the gun to accomodate left handed players.

|  |  | Warp Feed on f/x STO Here is the Warp Feed as seen on the f/x STO (in Jungle Sunset splash pattern). Stay tuned for updates. We will have more photos up soon so that you can see how the Warp fits on your gun! Look for early October availability.

|  |  | Warp Feed on Spyder 2000 Compact One Warp Feed setup for the Spyder (kit may be slightly different). We set this one up with our Intruder Foregrip and Turbo Max 3000/47 Compressed air system to show you just how compact you can really get!

|  |  | Warp Feed on Bob Long's Intimidator Warp Feed shown here on Bob Long's new Intimidator with Armson Pro-Series barrel.

|  |  | Warp Feed Internals Balls flowing to output port.

|  |  | Electronics & Gear Pulley
|  |  | Urethane Disks Disks grip balls from the side, but slip if if ball flow stops.

|  |  | Warp Inlet Close up of ball being wedged into place in the drive wheel.

|  |  | Drive Wheel Disassembly Drive wheel can be completely disassembled for cleaning.

|  |  | Team Dixie Reign Wins with Warps "We were the only team using the Warp feeds and got asked about the performance of them all day. Out of 15 games, we had zero hopper hits. Never once did our guns skip or break paint even while we were running and shooting. Finally, all questions were answered as we received our first place trophy the first time out using the Warp Feed. We have to give credit where credit is due, and the warp feed definitely contributed to our success.
Thanks -
Jason, Team Dixie Reign"

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